
Why Should You Protect Your Data?

Sooner or later – by mischief, misfortune or mistake – it is statistically likely that you will lose precious data.

A 2007 Carnegie Mellon study indicated that 2 to 4% of hard drives have to be replaced every year. That’s just one indication of the threat from hardware failure. The study didn’t look at other causes of data loss: accidental file deletion, file corruption, viruses, hackers, stolen equipment or natural disasters. So, when your data is suddenly gone, how will you get it back?

It’s About the Recovery

Many people think the only question is “What is the best way to make backups?”  That’s certainly a critical question but business data is the very lifeblood of your business. You can’t afford to look at only half the equation. Questions about recovering data are even more important and to the point:

• Is there any doubt that what I’ve backed up can actually be restored in the event of a crisis?

• How difficult will it be?

• How long will it take to get everything running again?

• How much money will I lose waiting for data to be restored? For an hour? A day? A week?

• Will I have the right help if I need it in an emergency?

Data backup is a little like buying car insurance: Should you focus on an insurance company’s price and how easy it is to buy insurance? Or should you focus more on what might happen if you actually have an accident when you really, really need the company’s support and a quick settlement?

Ultimately it comes down to trust. Trust in the professionalism of the people advising you on data protection. Trust in the backup and restore processes. Trust in the hardware and software.

Making the right choice is critical to your success. We can help you with choosing a cloud backup service provider that:

• Meets your needs

• Provides comfort in their level of support and is easy to work with

• Uses the right technology

• Provides value beyond the software

How to Choose a Cloud Backup Service Provider:

Key Considerations When Assessing Prospective Cloud Backup Service Providers.

Trust in the Service Provider

  • Does the service provider have a good reputation?
  • How long have they been in business?
  • How stable is their company?
  • How many customers do they have?
  • What kind of customers do they have?
  • Are their customers of a similar size and environment to your company?
  • Does the service provider have experience in the same or similar industry (vertical) as yours?
  • Do they have experience helping with data disaster recovery under conditions seen in your business?
  • Are they familiar with laws and standards of your industry?
  • What sort recognition have they received?
  • Is their recognition based simply on price and brand image, or on their history of supporting customers in a data crisis?
  • Is their press recognition mostly from consumer or business press?
  • Do they have customer testimonials on web sites?


We at Essential Data Services, are positive that we can be the partner your business will thrive with. We maintain long lasting relationships with our clients and the reason for this is because we care about their business, and treat every client like a partner. (testimonials) linked to https://infinitynetwork.com/?q=about-us/testimonials)

As an IBM partner, Essential’s Cloud backup and recovery service provides end users the assurance that their backup solution is secure, reliable and predictable because it is utilizing the industry’s leading cloud backup platform, and is running on IBM quality and dependability.

Trust Essential Data Services, Trust Infinity Network Solutions, Trust IBM.

Essential is owned and operated by Infinity Network Solutions.