Owning a small or midsized business is not an easy task, and small business owners today know firsthand the struggles of trying to keep the business growing and prospering. Keeping track of all your important documents and client lists can sometimes be an uphill battle. But these business owners have to stop with their busy schedules for a moment and ask themselves, “I put in all this work but would my company survive if there was an IT disaster?”
With so many small businesses today relying heavily on computers and new technology, it is important to keep your files safe even in times of a disaster (flood, fire, hacking, deleted files etc.). Picture this scenario: many of us are at work for long hours working on this week’s “big project” for an important client, when your tiredness kicks in full gear and you accidentally delete that very important file? Most of us would panic (maybe even shed a few tears) knowing that there is no way you can start over and have it done in time. Well the solution is simple, if you’re a small or midsized business owner you may not have an on-site IT department and the simple answer to this big headache is called Remote Backup Services.
Business owners will never have to worry about losing valuable information again once Remote Backup Service is installed on your company’s computers. Your data and files are saved nightly, or multiple times a day using no human interaction that means you know your files will be saved without any human error. These files are saved using a high-speed online internet connection; your data will be automatically backed up, encrypted and transferred off-site to a secure data storage facility. Our clients can now work on their important files worry free, knowing the remote backup is easy to use, simple and secure, and their files can be recovered within minutes.
If your data gets corrupted, lost or infected, your business can be negatively impacted for hours or even days. It is important to ensure that your data is protected from all of those risks and have the ability to recover you data quickly and easily if a loss occurs.
Outsourcing your backup and recovery needs can save you time and money every day, and when you’re a small or midsized business owner you don’t have any resource to be wasting. That’s why Essential Data Services is here to help with all your company’s back up needs. Business owners can stop worrying about lost and deleted files and start focusing on the important things like growing their business!